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Adrenochrome -

The drug of choice of the elite who once controlled the world.

Sources have discovered and made known that this world is legally a corporation, nd buildings have a right to vote. We mus be careful of the legal identity we accept - including a digital identity - because these ID's state that you are something other than you actually are. A human being.

Their reality does not recognize that humans are actual humans. As you may know, this is a reality that has no qualms about live organ harvesting, uses aborted human foetuses used for flavouring in many products - list given below and on the 'virus health' page- and also sees their specially bred children as nothing but a product necessary for their longevity and very existence.

There is a huge and until recently hidden, issue of ritual child abuse and paedophilia. This is for specific purposes of energy harvesting and also the harvesting of adrenochrome. Sex wih young virgins is also about energy harvesting.

The issue of ritual child abuse.

In fact children are bred without documentation specifically for the purpose of producing adrenochrome, then when they 'disappear' there is no record of their existence.

Adrenochrome is young blood with high levels of adrenaline.

In satanic ritual abuse a child, under 12 is considered best, is subjected to fear because fear produces adrenaline which pumps out into the blood. This produces 'level 1' adnreochrome.

The highest levels of this are achieved in actual sacrifice where the substances generated are much higher.

Global Awakening To Adrenochrome Drug Terrifies Satanic Elite

8 mins.


Comprehensive List Of Companies That Use Aborted Fetal Cells As Flavour

Includes Doritos, Pepsi, Quaker Oats, Kraft Foods, Campbells, Cadburys, Maggi, Ocean Spray, Liptons Tea, all coffee creamers etc.


Chemical Structure of Adrenochrome.

The White Rabbit - Adrenochrome

Chemical structure of adrenochrome shown above and known as the 'White Rabbit'.

'Adreno' refers to adrenalin secreted by the adrenal glands (not the pineal). By now you know that this is harvested from children who are kept in underground bases, tunnels and cities. Many of these are kidnapped, but there are also those who have been kept underground and bred for generations - thousands of years. These cannot now adapt to being brought back up to the surface. They look different in some ways, because they genetically adapted to living underground, but they are part of the human race.

The cabal - which includes many famous names - created the underground bases and cities, and have done unbelievably despicable and extremely disturbing things. These are things everyone has to now heal from. For the last 60 years they have been reprogramming kids upwards, to accept false understandings of life, love, morals, family, spiritual realms, and to embrace Luciferianism.



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