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Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.


Given the information that was made known there is a strong possibility the planet is about to begin rotating clockwise.

This means the planet will stop for 3 days, then begin the rotation clockwise instead of the current counter-clockwise. This is a possibility.

There is a divide between the 'Higher Self' person's soul level and the lower self.

Anyone who aligns with the True Self level moves to the 'clockwise' side of the 'Divide'. The 'Higher Self/Dark Force' person does turn towards the 'Real' then away but is and always has been resistent to being 'True to Self'. It is like shooting yourself in the foot. But it is not a mistake that this person is on the reversed side. It is not a mistake.


The change to a clockwise rotation does happen to this planet, but the timing for it happening could be imminent. It will be an exciting time when it does happen.

When the planet does stop then change rotation, that is the 'Dividing of the Ways' written about. For those who 'marked' themselves as the negative reverse, they remain there, which means they go no further. Presumably these ones will die off from the planet, because they are not going to be able to resonate with a planet rotating with a 'positive charge'.


This is a 'positive charge' planet. It was not a planet marked for elimination. It never had any part of being what the current world is, and those who belong with the 'negative' only got here because this planet temporarily passes through the 'negative'. Regardless of the 'current consciousness' - which is the satanic programming (and that means reverse) - it is up to each person, male and female, to be aware of a higher personal standard. The level of your personal standards is basically a 'test' of your value as a human being.


Those who go with the current world are those who have gone backwards. They should never have been on this planet.


Any people who are existing in the 'negative, reverse' but who managed to get into this planet, are people who became the 'waste product' of the galactic body. The 'negative reverse' is the body's waste removal function. It's bowels. There is a great deal of literature which describes these ones as 'swine' (pigs) and that even giving them information to lift themselves out of it is 'pearls before swine'. So what is written here is factual and known.




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