. Sound Project - You owe it to yourself to have BETTER art, ballet, films, and music! Best viewed on anything but Google



Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.


There are 5 Universes.

The one You are in is the 4th - The Astral.

The one this planet never actually reaches is the 5th Universe - a Higher Level. The planet was supposed to be in the 5th Universe but after it's axis was broken it slipped into the 4th, the Astral Universe. The planet does not ever reach the 5th universe by its 'Ascending' as you know it falls again and continues its cycle.  

The Astral Universe is a different physical structure, so can have multiple dimensions and 'omni universes' but they are part of the 4th Universe. The Astral Universe. There are also many different alien races in this universe as the star systems can be inhabted. Most of them are ;highly developed' with technology because they use the eitr the 'black poison' energy from the black hole to create their technology. That is why they are in the Astral Universe and also why it is called the energy stream or Path of the Intellect. It is filled with AI.

The spiritual path is to get out of the Astral Universe. The 5th Universe is not filled with myriad forms of star beings with 'advanced technology'. They used the eitr (black poison) to create their technology and that is the reason they are in the Astral Universe.

It could also be said that there are two universes. The Upper Universe, and the Underworld Universe.


All the linked film and TV clips, 'robots' and 'ET aliens' etc are on this page.



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